Dynamically detecting subclasses in Ruby
How to convert between types in Ruby
Using custom procs in collections
Setting up and using Rack::Cache in Rails 5.
ETags and http caching in Rails 5
Numeric operation in Ruby case statements
Refining NilClass over using try
Sorting with custom attributes in Ruby
How to resolve Errno::EMFILE when using Paperclip in Rails
Enable CSRF for form submissions in Sinatra with Padrino form helpers
Caching in Rails API and pitfalls to avoid
Using LetsEncrypt to generate SSL certs for use with a Jekyll blog.
Using the around_save callback in ActiveRecord models for further processing
A more flexible approach of testing exceptions being logged in Ruby
Using the Closure Table pattern for nested hierarchical data
A pattern to deal with input arguments of various arity
Observations of using include and extend in Ruby
Using Content Security Policy in Rails
How to run dependent tasks in Ruby with TSort